
This diet with master plants includes a stay in the jungles of the Amazon in simple huts and is led by Maestro Don Bechin, a very experienced curandero (healer) from the Amazon and accompanied and translated by Iris and / or Paulo. During this time, 3 ceremonies will take place with Ayahuasca and additionally the necessary master plant will be taken.

The Master Plant Diet is an even deeper and more intense experience, working on the physical, the mental and the emotional level. It gives us the opportunity to deal with us and our topics very intensively. In addition, it is the opportunity to get to know the jungle and its creatures up close.

DSCN4318The respective master plant is selected by Don Bechin together with the “patient” depending on the illness / concern. Each master plant differs in effects, as well as necessary rules.

To give the plants the opportunity to work well, we cut out on salt, sugar and other spices during the diet and a very simple food is administered. As well as on use of soaps, creams, perfumes, electronic devices, etc. is omitted. Accommodation is in simple cabins with 2-3 beds each with mosquito net and natural toilet.

The preparatory diet is at least a week before a master plant diet. The diet afterwards differs and is depending on the prior dieted plant and will be discussed individually. With all plants, the post-diet is at least a month without alcohol, drugs and sex.